Can You Lose Weight While Pregnant?

During the first trimester of your pregnancy, you can have many different challenges and that includes weight loss. Being overweight or obese during pregnancy is a growing concern and more so now that many children are being born prematurely. If you are trying to lose weight before delivery, consult with your doctor first. Your weight loss during this first trimester is more influenced by many factors such as: the size and shape of your baby, your body's metabolism, the food you eat, and the amount of exercise you get. Weight loss is possible but you need to make sure that it is safe for you and your unborn child.

Before we discuss weight loss and exercise, let's talk about what you should be eating during the first trimester of your pregnancy. During this time, you should stay away from foods high in fat and carbohydrates. The majority of food offered during this period should be light and you should eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Stick with whole grains and low fat dairy items. Low fat yogurt is also a good choice. You should avoid drinking large amounts of milk or other dairy products.

Now let's talk about exercise. If you are losing weight while pregnant, you are going to need to keep active during this time. While you can go to your regular routines, it is recommended that you take some extra time and look into classes that focus on pregnancy nutrition and weight loss. The exercises can be a bit intense and you may want to consider a trainer to help you with this. If you feel uncomfortable with exercise at first, look for someone who will keep you entertained.

During the second trimester, if you are still actively gaining weight, continue with your weight loss program. Consult with your doctor to find out if you should be concerned about any possible negative effects of your pregnancy weight loss program. If you are not losing much, you may want to start looking for ways to speed up the process. Some suggestions include skipping meals, eating smaller portions and increasing your water intake. There are also pregnancy weight loss pills that can help with the rapid weight loss.

After your first trimester of pregnancy, you will probably notice a decrease in your appetite. This is normal and is due to the body adjusting to the new hormones and other changes that occur. A good approach is to talk to your ob-gyn about a healthy diet that you can maintain while you are losing weight. It is important that you stay active as well as monitor what you eat as you progress through your pregnancy. Your doctor may even advise you to start a vitamin supplement.

During your third trimester, most women find that they have doubled their pregnancy weight. You will want to continue with your weight loss program. Some women find that taking a prenatal vitamin supplement and eating more lean meats and vegetables can be very beneficial. If you feel that you are still hungry, you may want to consider making a snack plan for yourself. While you are trying to lose pregnancy weight, you may find that cravings become stronger as your body adjusts to the new nutrient-filled nutrition.

The last trimester, you should be able to maintain a healthy weight. Your body is prepared to feed your baby and you will begin to shed those extra pounds. If you have been following a healthy pregnancy weight loss program, you should see the final few weeks of your pregnancy as if you were slimming on your own. You should see a gradual loss of weight. If you are worried about gaining weight after your baby is born, you should consult your doctor about a safe weight loss plan for your growing belly.

Pregnancy is a time when you should be relaxed and happy. You want your growing baby to grow up healthy and happy. Do not allow yourself to become overwhelmed with any worries or fear about losing weight after your baby is born. Talk to your doctor about a safe pregnancy weight loss plan.
