I'm sure you're desperate to know how to help my dog lose weight. After all, it is one of his most common behavior problems. I'll bet you want him to be just as happy and healthy as possible, especially if you are going to take him out on a leash for walks or have him playing with other dogs. There is one easy way to help your pooch shed those excess pounds and regain his energy. And it's all natural, no dangerous chemicals or questionable diets involved.

When you are wondering how to help my dog lose weight quickly and effectively, the first thing you need to look at is his current diet. Most dogs eat only dry food, and this is what leads to overweight because the stomach does not get enough of the nutrients it needs. You need to change his eating habits to one that is high in protein, but low in fat. Dogs need lean proteins, and if they get too much fat on their food, they'll store it as body fat.
While the right amount of fat is important, some dogs have such a huge appetite that they need fat to feel full. If this is the case for your pup, you may need to help him learn how to control his eating habits. One thing you can try is to fill the dishes he eats with high fiber treats. The high fiber will slow down his bowel movements, and this will limit how much fat he stores. Many dogs don't care how much they weigh, so these methods should help him start to drop the pounds.
The next thing you need to do is get your dog in the habit of using the litter box. It's really disgusting how many dogs go potty outside without taking the time to use a litter box. One way how to help my dog lose weight is to show him how to use the litter box. Get him used to sitting on the spot where his waste will be deposited, and mark it. Then, when he starts using the box, praise him a lot and give him the treat he gets for using the box. This will teach him that if he goes in the right place, he gets a treat and praise.
Dogs need exercise to live healthy. Walking your dog every day is one of the ways how to help my dog lose weight. Exercise also stimulates the release of human growth hormones into the system, which helps you feel better about yourself. Walking is a low impact activity that you can take your dog with, which means there's not as much stress on him or on you.
Another great thing to help my dog lose weight is to have him go on elimination-promotion trips. These trips are designed to keep dogs from getting stuck in dog houses, which can cause them to get sick. If you have an outing planned, make sure you prepare for it ahead of time by putting toys and treats in the house. Go with your pooch to the park or somewhere where there are other dogs, and let him explore and chase after his own toy to distract him. Go with him to do his business and keep him stimulated.
Giving your pooch a reward is also a good way how to help my dog lose weight. Dogs love rewards and love to be praised. Praise your dog each time he follows these simple commands: sit, lie down, stay and fetch. You'll soon notice a change in his behavior. He'll look forward to his walks and his treats.
The best way to show how to help my dog lose weight is to encourage his activity. It is very difficult for dogs to resist your constant company, so set up some time each day to spend just a few minutes with him. Even if it is just for a short five-minute walk, you will be showing him how much you care for him. Your dog wants your love and attention, and you give it to him in spades when he follows your commands. Together you can accomplish weight loss!
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